Thursday, October 19, 2006


-Doing ADR tomorrow in my basement for Yumi. Looking forward to getting the film off to the sound professionals!
-Very excited about the cut as it is. Once the audio is taken care of, it feels like a movie. Whew.

-A few exciting projects on the go, the TV pilot, the new film CINEMANOVEL and the new film JULIE. Lots of stuff going on!
-Need to incorporate over the next week or so.
-My novel...I need to keep working out fiction teacher is also one of my favourite writers, so I need to keep on top of this stuff. Writing a novel is a heady enterprise, but it's great to get "inside" the characters.


The Departed "pretty good, VERY entertaining, a plot riddled with holes from start to finish, doesn't stick with you, but this remake of Infernal Affairs (which I've yet to see) is flash and fun, much better than expected for me.

Stone Reader "a doc about a fan of literature that rediscovers a novel and champions it back into print (Stones of Summer). Aside from the narrators love of literature, his presence wears on you, eventually he became way too much. Still, when you love books as much as I do, you're prepared to forgive almost anything.


Missing Torri and Sedgie.