Friday, September 08, 2006


Spent the day colour correcting the first 12 minutes of Yumi in Love...takes a long time, and this is just "scratch" correction; just for the rough edit. Later on I'll have to go in and seriously tweak each clip...time consuming, but there's no way around it. Yumi in Love needs to look "hot". And it shall look hot indeed.


I'm stuck at 95 minutes. It doesn't feel like I'll be able to get the film down to 90 minutes, but I'm going to keep trying.


I need to get close to a picture lock soon so I can get a master sound designer involved. I'm going to make a few calls tomorrow. There's dialogue, F/X, Foley, and Music to consider. It's a very big job. I'm still trying to wade through all the footage to find the "missing" sound. I don't think there's any way around some ADR, but who knows, there might be somebody out there who can polish up all this production sound. I'm guessing 25%, but I'm hoping it's MUCH less. I'm hoping for 0%.


Orson Welles said that "The notion of directing a film is the invention of critics. It isn't an art, or at best it's an art only one minute a day. That minute is terribly crucial, but it occurs very rarely. The only time one is able to exercise control over the film is in the editing. The images themselves are not sufficient"

This feels absolutely correct. There's writing, which is rewriting over and over until the last day of principal photography. There's directing. Directing is simply guiding the growth of that writing, allowing interpretation (or dealing with what you get on the day), throwing out what doesn't work and keeping only what does. There's editing. Editing is writing. Editing is not being afraid to throw everything away that doesn't work, and move things that do work into places where they work a little better. I've thrown out more than half of the lines I absolutely loved while I was writing the script.

I really think the film is working. I just need to watch it about 300 more times. I've started working on a simple credit sequence as well. Credits are cool.

90 minutes. That's the goal.