Sunday, October 29, 2006


Paul Bae is on tour!(Paul plays Sam in the motion picture "Yumi in Love")

The A-List Comedy Tour comes to Vancouver next weekend (Nov. 2 to 4). Held for five shows over three days at the new Funny Bone comedy club at Edgewater Casino (at Plaza of Nations), this tour features the top Asian comics in Canada including Paul (Korean), Jeffery Yu (Chinese), Ron Josol (Filipino), Sugar Sammy (East Indian), and Gilsin Lubin (black--we ran out of Asians). Veering away from everything you expect from stereotypical racial humour, this show opened to critical acclaim in Toronto two weeks ago and is the first tour of its kind in Canada.

Please spread the word even if you can't make it. Also, if you go to the following site and use the code word "asianinvasion" (one word) when you purchase your tickets, you get a discount of $10, no matter your colour.