Friday, July 07, 2006


Thanks to all the Yumi cast and crew who have been so patient as we finalize the shooting schedule!

Yumi shoots in 3 we establish great locations, the script is leaving the page and finally coming to life in my mind...the first step. I'm discovering that this means more expenses. Hard drives for the camera, locations, some lights, sound gear, batteries, costumes/clothing, mad props, it's truly amazing how expensive a no budget film can be.

I've had to rewrite a lot to accomodate the new shooting environments (the actual physical locations vary from the script as written...only Bergman and Hollywood can afford proper studios/soundstages).

If anyone has an airport or a train station...or a bar, or something that could serve as an island home (a place we can shoot for 3 nights), please let me know!

Additionally, if anyone needs a website or some videography...I would love to do it. Yumi could use a bit more production money.