Sunday, February 19, 2006


If I saw this on stage it would probably knock me out (because theatre in Vancouver is a bit wanting right now). As a film, however, it's just okay. There are some truly great (better than pretty good) moments, but the "chat room" stuff feels very forced and dated. The best stuff is Campbell Scott and Patricia Clarkson. They play these characters to cool perfection, truly amazing performances from each. The plot feels a tad contrived and, of course, it is, but the real problem is that dated feeling. Like a bad song from the eighties that might have been great in its time, The Dying Gaul would have knocked the world on its ass in 1989, but it's only "okay" in 2005. I'm not sure when Lucas wrote the play (on which the film is based), but I would guess early to mid nineties. It has that feel. Only worth seeing for the acting. The chat room stuff and the forced plotting make it a bit tough to love.